bright idea branding

Branding 101 The foundation of everything

Branding 101

Here, we lay the foundation of your brand communication: fonts, colours, logo, brand messaging and claim, all of which in combination make your positioning crystal clear. Want to play in a bigger league at last, attracting the right kind of clients who are happy to pay adequate prices for your awesome work? Then it is super important you get your branding right, confidently and consistently. All other packages are based on this, and if you continue with us to the website, you will be credited with the full price of Bright Branding.

This is your package if it's time to boost your branding to get your message across on all relevant channels at last. Holistically and professionally! 


where do we go from here?

Where do we go now, sweet child of mine? Tell us what you want, what you really, really want. We will try to give it to you!

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    bright idea beratung
    bright idea beratung

    A Bright Idea ,,Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.“

    Ron Swanson