
prepare for your DIY project with

The Website Planner

You want to build your own website, but you don't know where to begin? Join me on a 4-step journey towards website pride, as I teach you the essential web design basics and prepare you for your upcoming do-it-yourself web project like a pro.

Say goodbye to website stress and hello to

a fresh start

The Website Planner is a 4-week online prep-course for solo entrepreneurs who want to make their own website. Let a total pro teach you the success formula of building and designing yours in WordPress. 

I’ll show you how to avoid the most common mistakes, share essential tips on web design and teach you how to create your own look!

Through video tutorials, live trainings, assignments and live reviews, we’ll make sure you’ll end up with everything you need to finally start building your website with joy and confidence.

The Website Planner is is an optional feature of my DIY Website course The Website Launcher. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

I've got you covered!

DIY Kickstart WordPress Workshop

prepare yourself the right way and become the mistress or

master of your own domain

The key to a successful DIY website is preparation. Many brave non-professionals often dive right into a project, without really understanding even the most elementary parts of what their doing.

Whether it's the more technical aspects, or basic web design ground rules: if you take some time to learn a bit or two BEFORE you start, it's very likely you'll save yourself quite a bit of frustration and overwhelm later on.

In The Website Planner, we'll cover the basic technical aspects of setting up a WordPress-Website, as well as the creating, defining and applying of your own design.

You'll get access to course materials and tutorials, for you to watch in your own time. There will be live teachings divided over 4 live weekly calls in ZOOM, plus you'll get a couple of small assignments, which I will review live in our calls. You'll also get access to our Facebook group, where you can get support from me and your fellow Website Planners!


Learn new skills to empower yourself


Grow confident & follow the joy


Get ready to rock your own launch

Man on a mission

A pro right by your side

My name is Hans Groen. I'm Bright Idea's very own, all-in-one Art Director, Graphic Designer, Web Designer / Programmer. In our 1:1 client work I'm responsible for high-quality design, with implementation on- and offline. Digitally and analogously! Through years of experience working in agencies as well as independently, I can offer a full range of design solutions. My Zone of Genius however, would definitely be creating tailor-made websites. My unique combination of both design and programming skills allows me to do so independently. Over the last couple of years I've worked on over 100 web projects, mainly in WordPress.

However, shockingly, there are only 24 hours in my day, too...and at Bright Idea we simply cannot always take on every project that comes along. I also know that not everyone is ready for customized, done-for-you work, if only financially, yet my heart beats for those biz newbies with burning ideas on how to improve the world.

That's why I started looking for a way to expand our services in a way that's attainable for everyone.